Best Places to Meet Men

I basically beat online dating into dust in recent article, and I may have in fact unintentionally discouraged some people from seeking out a date altogether. That really wasn’t my aim and I want to rebuke that by letting gals everywhere know, from personal experience, where the best places are to meet men in person, online dating faux pas.

Meeting people in general can be a bit difficult for the non-gregarious/socially shy folks, but certain places have a more natural-feeling atmosphere that encourages socializing. Much more so than going to a bar or club. Clubs are are intimidating because generally all the people there have the same goal in mind to more or less compete with each other for a real good piece. Clubs are bad news as far as trying to find someone to start dating on a more serious level. Everyone knows that. At least they should.

It’s been quite a few years since I’ve been single and through my numerous adventures pre-marriage, there was always a trend in which certain places I happened to end up just by sheer coincidence were the places I found I could meet the most men. I’d never had any shortage in my encounters with men in these places and you won’t either if you decide to make yourself seen. It’s a lot easier than you might expect.

1) Any place affiliated with sports/physical activity.

I have met, by far, THE MOST men at the gym, at batting cages, playing golf, bowling, fitness classes/martial arts and softball/baseball games. Obviously, men have a huge love affair with sports and they are on a constant mission to find women who love it as much as they do.

Men are always actively involved in sports, or they’re actively involved in it with their kids or are otherwise endorsing it and talking about it.

It’s pretty tough to meet guys in yoga classes but that’s not unheard of either. At my yoga center, I’ve seen quite a few single men there as well. And if you’re into pumping iron, men are always congregating among each other in the weight room where females are always scarce. There is never a shortage of nice, fit, hardworking HANDSOME men at the gym.

Bottom line, by getting involved in sports, you’ll be getting in your physical activity, so you too can look and feel great, which will boost your self-confidence. And you’ll get to meet guys who take care of themselves, who are motivated in doing something useful. A guy at the gym everyday says a lot about his character as far as discipline and self-worth.

2) Continuing education courses.

Returning to/attending college is another way to meet men. Also attending sporting events in support of your college is another plus.

Taking classes enhances personal enrichment and it also puts you out there directly among men through social interaction in the classroom. Participating in study groups and talking amongst each other in class is a natural way of reaching out without trying. I recently took a ballroom dance class at my junior college (again, physical activity) and I had to be paired up with different male dance partners. Much easier than dancing with a club douchebag and his 4-inch boner.

Additionally, continuing education classes are great because a lot of the men who are attending are there for work and not to scope out all the hot chicks. They have a goal in mind that isn’t central to getting laid. Huge plus in any girl’s book.

3) Working in the public service sector.

I waitressed at various joints when I was younger- the strip club and a couple of casinos where I was always in constant contact with men. Some of them I’d gotten to know over a period of time because they were regular patrons with whom I chatted up just by obligation of having to display a friendly demeanor. I’d even run into crushes I’d known from my former life I’d lost touch with over the years from grade school and high school.

I’d dated a few of them and subsequently became seriously involved in a relationship. It was easy to put myself out there because I had to, and it was easy to talk to people without looking as though I was trying too hard. In fact, I wasn’t trying at all and that’s what always facilitated meeting a good guy. It happened when I wasn’t even paying attention.

I however, DO NOT recommend dating someone you work with. That’s a disaster waiting to happen because if it doesn’t work out, it’s total drama all around. Bad situations usually derive from dating men you work with, so keep it strictly platonic.

If you can get a part-time job at a sports bar/trendy cafe/folding towels behind the front desk at your local gym, just for the opportunity to make connections, I would highly recommend it. Instead of paying a dating service, you’re getting paid incidental to meeting men. If you already work in a place like this, you’re already a step ahead.

4) At car shows/gun shows/home expos, etc.

“Car/gun/home/tech/boat/tool” SCREAMS men. Men love their toys and they love going to shows to see the latest creation in gadgets, tools, technology and thingamajigs. As much as women love shopping for shoes, jewelry, purses and clothes, men love shopping for computers, machine guns, tractors and custom door frames.

When you attend a show, take a look around you and notice what kind of men there are soaking up the ambiance. They are generally established, career-oriented guys with money to spend and not broke loser douchebags still scrapping dimes off their mothers’ rear ends. Obviously if a guy is looking at buying a car or a boat, he’s not some piddly out-of-work bum.

Take an interest in these events and go to them. You’d be hard pressed not to strike up a conversation with at least one decent guy.

5) At concerts and other outdoor events.

If there’s a big event in town, mosey on down and have a gander (corny huh). Take in the sights, have some food and drinks and notice all the men crowded around you. Go to your favorite concerts and mingle with men, who obviously share the same taste in music as you do. That in and of itself is what easily strikes up “random” conversations.

I’ve never had any trouble meeting men at outdoor festivals, annual galas and food celebrations. You’re there to have fun and enjoy the events and the ability to meet guys is virtually secondary because if you don’t meet one, who cares? You still had a good time, so no real loss.

These are a few places where I’ve had much luck meeting nice, decent men while feeling relaxed enough to be myself. Meeting men shouldn’t have to feel too much like work and when we do it in a less pretentious atmosphere, it’s a lot more natural, thus becoming a much easier thing to do.

If you can’t find a man in the places aforementioned, I’ll stand to be your monkey’s uncle.

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